Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Tuesday, May 18th

Reasons to teach/not teach
Thesis and outlines due today
Introduction due today
Body paragraphs due at the end of the hour tomorrow
Conclusions due at the start of class Thursday
Drafts due Thursday

Begin final persuasive essays:
Craft a three-five paragraph essay in which you argue for or against the teaching of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.

Every paper needs to have
  • a thesis in which you clearly state your position (1-5 pts)
  • an introduction paragraph that begins with an attention grabber, continues with a link containing the title and author of the novel, and ends with an arguable thesis (1-5 pts)
  • one (to be considered for a C) to three (to be considered for an A) body paragraphs that support and explain your argument and include one quote from the novel or from a reading (1-5 pts each)
  • A conclusion paragraph that restates the thesis, revisits one main idea from each body paragraph, a final sentence that connects back to your attention grabber (1-5 pts)

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