Wednesday, May 5, 2010

May 5th

Add two comments to the new NING discussions by Thursday night. All discussions have been closed, but but there are two new ones that you can respond to for your homework! One of your responses should be a a reply to something someone else said.

Writing Wednesday: What's on your mind?
Draw a picture of your head. List past, present, and upcoming people, places, events, ideas, "things", activities, you are thinking about.

Start at 23.
Quiz over the duke and king episode (chapters 19-21 and 23-30) at the start of class on Friday.
Chapter 22 summary (will not be on Friday's quiz):
  • Sherburne scolds the lynch mob for not being a "real" lynch mob.
  • He tells them they have no men among them.
  • They need to return at night with on masks to do a proper lynching "Southern style".
  • Huck goes to a circus, and watches the crowd go wild when they are tricked into believing a drunk wanders into the ring and is almost killed.

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