Wednesday, April 21, 2010

NING Reflections

Discussion Comments

These responses are GREAT:

Reply by Mûng Mûng Taylor
Huckleberry Finn is a great American classic. This book is just as appropriate as any other book that has been written. Many of such books hurt people because they are or were a reality. The racism found in this book is just as true as the holocaust and a way to remember it is by continuing to teach it. Through, the remembrance of this issue, we are better able to avoid it and progress to a better nation.

Reply by Randy
I really enjoy reading this book, I think it's really educational about 19th century culture in the US which a lot of us don't get to read about anymore. I personally believe that it's better than the books that are written today, it has real meanings and real life issues.
Huckleberry Finn is a great American classic. This book is just as appropriate as any other book that has been written. Many of such books hurt people because they are or were a reality. The racism found in this book is just as true as the holocaust and a way to remember it is by continuing to teach it. Through, the remembrance of this issue, we are better able to avoid it and progress to a better nation.

Reply by Randy
Personally, I strongly believe that this book should be taught at VHS. The people that are trying to get this book banned clearly can't see the historical presences of this book, and in my mind, are ignorants and bigots. Sure, the "N-Word" is overused, and I understand how it could be offsenive to some, but that benefits us from understanding the history of the United States and 19th century culture, which many people today and trying to throw out of the school system today. The other problem I have with people trying to ban this book is that they conclude that this book is connected to racism in school. That is equivilent of saying that playing Grand Theft Auto will turn you into a maniac and go around jacking cars and killing innocent people. The only connection between school and racism is the home life of the student and where they have grown up and how they were raised.

These responses are full of potential and need to be further explained:

And even if its offensive, we must learn of the past racism to avoid the issue from happening again in the future.

Pablo Escobar said: why are we debating if this book is appropiate to read in school...... i didnt sign up for this kind of stuff

What do you expect to do in an English class? I am being sincere in this question. What do you mean when you said "I did not sign up for this"?

Reply by George Jetson 23 hours ago
I believe the book huckleberry finn has more important meaning than the N-word

This is a great discussion started by Dan Gleesak:
I think that the fact that have to have a discusion on whether or not we have to read this book proves that schools are not ready to include this book in the corriculum. Articles say that the book provides good literature and is way to get kids to think differently. But untill people stop seeing some things in the book as offensive instead as a flash back in history about how people used to talk this book will continue to be a contriversal problem.

Reply by Mr. Bob
I Disagree, the book is an important piece of literature and needs to be taught in school. the controversy will always be there just as it has for over a hundred years and we just need to keep that in mind as we read it.

Reply by Dan Gleesack
Thats the issue though... There are obveously still hard feelings about what happened a long time ago and yet instead of focusing on the liturature people cant handle the words used in the book. so all this book is say to some kids is that there less of a person because there a certon race. Its a required book and some people still arent ready read this piece of liturature without being offended.

Reply by Mr. shneltzlik
I agree it will continue to be a problem, however i don't think it should stop being taught. People just have to read it without taking the worst from it and focus on the important things in the book. I understand its offensive but it is in the past we should all be able to move on

Reply by Mizz Apple
Why can't people just move on? You make it sound easy; is it so easy? Think about how mad people stay at their friends and family over issue of much less volatility. The issu of slavery and, subsequently, racism seems to be much more significant.

I think having this controversy is good for people because they can see the many opinons of others, and this helps them be more open minded.

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