Tuesday, April 6, 2010

April 6

Am. Lit Hours 1 & 2: Instructions for Tuesday, April 9th
Part 1: In the Lab
Go to computer lab and, upon arrival, show Mrs. B the article you printed out for News Tues.
Log in to a computer, and set up a GMAIL account. If you have another email account that is great, but for our upcoming NING Role Play, you will need a GMAIL account.
Be sure to write out your username and password.
When you have done this, visit Mrs. B at her computer, and type in your email address correctly where she shows you.
Part 2: Article
Sit down and begin reading your article (the suicide or the Obama letters). If you did not print it out at home, you can print it out now. Go to the class blog to get it: http://foundationsofamericanliterature.blogspot.com/
When fished, complete the following 3-2-1 activity.

3-2-1: Article I read (headline):
While reading this article I learned these three things:

While reading I felt these two emotions:

After reading this article I have this question:

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