Monday, March 22, 2010


The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Vocab #2
Copy this into your notebook and write two more synonyms for each word.

Hogshead, N (11)- large wood cask/container for liquid

Snuff, N (12)- powdered tobacco

Reckon, V (13)- think

Bewitch, V (16)- cast a spell on

Skiff , N (17)- small boat

Oath, N (17)- promise

Carcass, N (17)- dead body

Bullyragged, V (31)- mistreated

Wallow, V (39)- roll in something (like a rug or mud) OR indulge in something

Quicksilver, N (48)- mercury, liquid metallic element

Haggle, V (49)- bargain, negotiate

Brash, Adj (50)- hasty, rash

Cavern, N (58)- cave

Fury, N (59)- anger, rage

Buckskin, N (61)- deerskin or soft leather

Currycomb, N (62)- comb used to groom horses

Laid up, V (64)- sick, ill

Britches, N (65)- pants

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