Thursday, March 18, 2010

Peer Review

Today we will get into pairs and help each other see the strengths in our pieces by becoming peer reviewers. We will also help our peers (other students) improve their pieces in one or two ways.

Remember we are here to help not be critical. I think we are all critical of our own writing, and we don't need anyone else to be critical today.


1. Determine who will be reader #1 and reader #2.
2. Before the first person reads, his/her peer reviewer needs to ask the reader the following questions:

What are you writing about?
Why did you pick this topic? What is its purpose?

3. Reader #1 should respond aloud to these questions.
4. Reader #1 will then read his/her piece aloud.
5. The peer reviewer of reader #1 should provide one piece of praise that is specific. Possible ways to praise:
  • I really like the sentence about....
  • You did a good job of describing....
  • I like your use of the word...
Be sure to fill in the sentence. It is not acceptable to just say "Nice job." Listen to your reader!

6. Reader #2 will now prepare to read.
7.The peer reviewer will ask reader #2 the following:

What are you writing about?
Why did you pick this topic? What is its purpose?

8. Reader #2 reads.
9. Peer reviewer provides one piece of praise.
10. You will then exchange pieces and complete the the P.A.T.S peer review activity. Refer to the activity sheet.

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