Tuesday, June 8, 2010

June 8th

1. Check dubble bubble maps- you must have this completed to stay inteh room and watch the film! If you are not completed
2. Write out a thesis

HW: Complete an out line form your paper. You will need to turn this in with your essay.
Outline options:
1. Traditional

2. Tree Map

Sunday, June 6, 2010

June 7

HW: Final Exam Essay Preparation
1. Craft a thesis in which you compare a character in your group/independent reading book to another character in a different book, film, television show, play, song, poem, or other text.

2. Draft a five paragraph essay in which you identify three similarities between your character and your companion character. Essays should follow the format below.

An introduction paragraph with:

  • Attention grabbing original thought
  • Link with titles and authors/directors
  • Thesis statement in which you make your comparison
Three body paragraphs, each with

  • A topic sentence that introduces a similarity between both works (a similar character, setting, thematic idea)
  • A point or example of how this similarity appears in both works (probably two sentences)
  • One quote from your book and an illustration from the companion text, this does not have to be a quote (probably two sentences)
  • Further explanation of how your quote/illustrations connect to your topic sentence
  • Transition into next body paragraph
Conclusion paragraph with:

  • Restatement of thesis
  • Brief review of one example from each body paragraph
  • Final sentence that connects back to attention grabber
Final Prep Cards
Catcher in the Rye
The Pact
The Pursuit of Happyness
The Things They Carried
Taking Chance
Death of a Salesman
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

Friday, June 4, 2010

June 4

HW: Finish Bingo cards (5-9 activities), due Monday

Pep talks
Brace maps for setting

Thursday, June 3, 2010

June 3

Check you grades on I-Cue. If you need to talk to to me about grades, come before or after school.

There is no makeup work allowed after tomorrow 4 pm with the exception of a Huck Finn

Finish presentations!
Final work day for Bingo cards.
Bingo card projects (5-9) are due on Monday, June 7th.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Wednesday, June 2

Reader's Theatre
10 points for reading
15 for written piece

  • Breath as you read
  • Speak slowly
  • Volume
  • No gum
  • Look up occassionally
  • Stand up strait and tall

We will present Bingo squares on Thursday

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Monday, June 1

HW: Type and revise final Reader's Theatre piece.
  • Eliminate 10 more words
  • Remove or replace dull words: hot, cold, happy, sad, mad
  • Instead try: blistering, dreary, sullen, furious
  • Add a variety of sentence types: compound (using and or but), simple, long, and short
  • Title- this should be original and revealing of your paper's topic: Huck or Chuck?
  • Use MLA (Modern Language Association)format!


Continue conferencing

Continue BINGO. Present one BINGO square at the end of the hour today!

Bingo card projects (five or nine ) are due June 7th!